The Master Key to Russian

Welcome to my classes!

Main goal of this website is to help you acquire the automatic and stable listening comprehension and speaking skills in Russian. And be sure, you'll quickly and effortlessly achieve this goal.

If you have questions please fill in the form on the [url=] [p]

    What can you find here:
  1. the special method corresponding to the best theories and practices in learning foreign languages (in my opinion :-) of course), which I adapted to the Russian language. It is a natural, intuitive and adaptive approach without memorizing rules, words and phrases.
  2. more than 250 very simple and effective lessons for different levels, which will lead you to fluency for 6-18 months training. (Of course, you do not learn all the Russian word during this period, but you will be freely use the vocabulary that you already have, and what you learn with me);
  3. lessons with a special vocabulary to suit your professional interests: medicine, bussiness, any science etс.;
  4. just a free communication for traning standart russian phrases and expressions from phrasebook.
So, if you need a fluent Russian, I am sure that in my classes you will find what you need.

    Recomendation how to use:
  1. The best - every day for 30 minutes.
  2. The optimum compromise - 3 times a week
  3. If you are very busy - 1 times a week for 60 minutes
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