- 01 What should be the most effective and simple method of foreign language teaching?
- 02 About studying of rules and the secret #1
- 03 About memorizing words and the secret #2
- 04 Three levels of possession of any subject
- 05 Three levels of possession of any subject - 2
- 06 Three levels of possession of any subject - 3
- 07 Two types of language skills and what will give you “The Master Key to Russian”?
- 08 How to get active skills?
- 09 Some theory of the method “The Master Key to Russian”
- 10 So, Why create a special course?
- 13 How to begin mastering a foreign language?
- 14 Getting used to the language
- 15 SENTENCES.The study of grammatical constructions in practice.
- 16 Your vocabulary and phrasebook
- 17 Master Key
- 18 Types and sources of sentences
- 19 The intermediate and advanced levels. The mini stories from real life.
- 21 The Easy and Efficiency
- 22 What are the benefits you get from using “The Master Key to Russian”, in addition to the highest performance?
- 23 That, which I’ll spare you
01 What should be the most effective and simple method of foreign language teaching?
How they usual teach foreign languages? What courses usually offer you? Memorize words, rules and dialogues. You are offered to remember words, then the rules for their use, and three or four exercises to consolidate. And that's it. Further a next theme follows. And all this they propose to memorize separately. We learn some words; we use the examples with other ones, and in the dialogue use again another vocabulary. In the end, after a couple of weeks our memory overloads occur, we have a mess in head and no desire to continue.
And what you will be able after such activities? If you need something to tell, you remember words, rules of use, which for some reason is much messed up, and in the end, utter the sentence in 3 minutes.
There are well-known and well-established methods of Dr. Pimsleur and Michel Thomas, who give a good basic knowledge. But it is just knowledge. The knowledge is of the initial level. The fact that you know how to say something does not mean that you will be able to effectively apply it in a real situation. However, these courses are very good to start. People may well use this knowledge in the small tourist trip.
But what next is? To make acquaintance, or more, any business contact, even just to discuss buying or movie they will not help. Even after passing the full versions of these and other courses students cannot begin to understand fluent speech and the more effectively communicate in the target language.
What's the problem? In the approach. Typically, most methods are focused on the fact to answer to the question: How? How to translate something from a foreign language and how to say something on it? That is, it is limited to the examples. This is just a collection of samples. But teaching so way it's a scam. Imagine if by this method they would were taught drivers. Even the set of exercises - it is nothing more than a virtual simulator. I would call these foreign language courses with this approach to learning as theoretical or familiarization courses.
How they start teaching? Usually, you are offered the explanation of many small grammatical rules with some examples. This is basically not bad to start. The bad news is that they are limited to just that. They offer just memorize and then constantly remember all these rules and examples for applying correctly.К списку
02 About studying of rules and the secret #1
Grammar - is a special way to use the word, a method of constructing sentences. If we just memorize the rules, in the conversation we do have to remember it. But it is impossible to use the language constantly remembering the rules. Instead of responding quickly, you must meet an algorithm of thought processes, and in addition remember the necessary words.
Children do not learn so way. None of us did learn our native language in this way. Skills must be automatic. Usually when you are asked a question, you respond quickly without remembering any rules and words. You do it simply on the model that is embedded in you since childhood.
An important fact about our speech. Speech is automatic and unconscious process. Speaking and understanding a foreign language while analyzing its structure - it is impossible! This should happen automatically, without effort.
How do you think would a centipede have gone far if it starts calculate each step each of the plurality of it feet? Rules needed to become familiar with the features of the language. They are useful to speed up the adaptation to a new model of thinking. It is possible truly master the rules only when they are born in you themselves.
Any rule is a sort of regularity. We must allow the brain to identify this pattern itself, experimentally, empirically. Only this experience is for life and applied automatically. You know why? Cause this experience is a personal experience. This experience is your own.
I will tell you a secret. The great thing about all this is that the identifying of patterns - it is an innate ability of our brain. It is necessary only the original properly prepared teaching material in sufficient quantity. Next the brain does it for you. He will reveal to you all the rules. And only those that you are really need. In our method, the students do not memorize the rules.
Nonetheless, you are to have a grammar book as a reference. You did not have to learn the language in this handbook. You can look at it for clues, when suddenly you cannot guess anything to yourself. Grammar is useful to read, but in any case not to remember all the rules apart from practice. Grammar reference in our method is used to synthesize the knowledge and acknowledgment of skills learned by practice.К списку
03 About memorizing words and the secret #2
Then, after rules, you will be offered to memorize the words, or more exactly, a set of words, one after another. When communicating you need to quickly remember and translate them, and then apply under the rules of grammar. Have you ever seen a child who memorizes words of the native language on the list? In our method, you have not to memorize the words.
You cannot learn words separately from the context. Human memory is such that memorizes five to seven pieces of information at a time. The unit of information can be seven letters, and maybe seven words, each of which will consist of seven letters.
To remember seven letters separately is seven times harder than when they are combined into one word. Because the word of seven letters - this is only one image, one piece of information.
Similarly, to remember seven not related to each other words is seven times harder than when they are combined in one sentence meaning. Because the sentence of seven words - it's only one situation, one event. This is also the image, but not static, but dynamic, active.
So, any information is better remembered blocks. Block of information in the language is the sentence that transmits any image or situation.
Let me reveal for you one more secret. Unit of any language is not the word. It is a clause, a simple sentence. But the clause this is not a set of words. This is the situation. This is the context. Therefore, even a single word can contain a lot of sense. Clause is the finished dish. Words - is ingredients. Have you ever eaten a salad with mayonnaise on ingredients? Just a mayonnaise contains more than five ingredients. So, all words must be studied only in the context of the sentence. I teach Russian language by sentences.
Further, for the development of practical skills in others courses you may be offered just to listen or even to memorize dialogue from phrase books. They ask you again memorize and remember and then, like a parrot, to repeat, even without understanding how is formed a sentence. It's like walking on a tightrope, step to the left step to the right and you are in prostration. If a slight deviation to the side during the actual communication is happened you will not know what to do, and confused.
In addition, it's all passive methods of leaning that exclude the participation of students in the process of dialogue. You do not use your knowledge in this case. You have no needs and therefore the motivation to concentrate on dialogue. As a result, you get tired easily. The effectiveness of such learning was very low. You do not acquire skills.
It is important an active approach in learning. It is important a personal involvement, interest in achieving goals. It is like in real communication. You do not communicate just like that, without any reason, is not it. Usually you try to find out something or to inform. Usually we have the goal of communication.
So, for effective communication not just knowledge is requires, but a stable automatic skills. Therefore, language courses must lead to the automation of communication skills. The emphasis in the lessons should be done not on memorization, but on the understanding and the speed of applying of knowledge.
A model of the target language and the system of speech mechanisms in your mind is required.
This is The Master Key.К списку
04 Three levels of possession of any subject
There are three levels of possession of any subject: knowledge, abilities and skills.
Knowledge - is an obtaining of information about the subject, with the result that "I understand it", and "I know it". Ability - is just a testing, an experience, in which I realize that "I can" do it.
Skill - this is when "I use“ the knowledge and abilities automatically, without thinking.
Let's apply these concepts to language course.
Knowledge - this is a level of familiarization, habituation and adaptation to the new material. At this stage you view the text of the lesson and get acquainted with a new sentence or a mini story, with new words, sets phrases and turns of speech. You parse the meaning of the sentence, or, if this is the initial level, you study the translation which get by teacher. At this stage, you listen to lesson for the first time and gets used to the perception of new sounds and images and to new movements of the speech organs.
You cannot speed up this period and go directly to the practice. For example me, I need to sleep with the new material. When I start a completely new business I find it heavily from the large volume of new information, my head does not work and I feel sleepy. I already know that I need to sleep. The next day when I wake up, everything new becomes as it were closer to me, not someone else's, and the further a work in this area becomes much easier. Therefore, I advise my students to do a preliminary analysis of the new material in the evening, and skills training start the following day. Thus, the material is much easier to remember.К списку
05 Three levels of possession of any subject - 2
Ability - this is when you try to repeat the sentence following teacher. You try to do something yourself, imitating example how correctly pronounce, correctly answer and correctly ask a question. At this stage you practice correctness: the correct pronunciation, the correct answer, the correct formulation of the question. This is a very important step. This stage determines what will be entrenched into you for a lifetime during the next phase.
Typically, in practical courses, such as ours, the stages of knowledge and abilities are very close in time and immediately follow each other. This is because we do not teach and offer to teach individual rules and individual words, and then, only by combining them in a sentence, acquire first skills. In this course all will be at one time, by template: - heard – made use. You have heard a couple of times – you have saw pattern – you have consolidated these knowledge and abilities as automatic skills for life.К списку
06 Three levels of possession of any subject - 3
Skill or more precisely automatic skill – it is when you constantly use the knowledge and abilities, achieving automation in their application. Possessing only knowledge and abilities, you know how to speak, you can understand the text read, but you find it difficult to communicate in a real situation. You just did not have time to process the information and lost.
A speech of your interlocutor is much faster, and is often different in pronunciation from the book standard. Therefore, it is necessary the automaticity in abilities, i.e. a sustainable skills. To achieve the level of skill need a lot of special practice. Need a lot of talk within the limited vocabulary lesson and turns of speech. This is the foundation of our courses: Questions and Answers on the subject well known and understood by you.
Practice - this is what is missing in conventional courses, even if they are daily. Half an hour a day - is not enough. Or, if you practice a lot, for example through home study with radio, TV, the Internet or a movie, such a practice is not adapted for educational purposes and does not allow a person to identify patterns in the target language and to master new material. In other words, there are too many words and grammatical structures in the absence of sufficient repeatability.
So our goal - to help you develop robust language skills: the ability to communicate automatically, without thinking of the right words and not analyzing the rules for their use.К списку
07 Two types of language skills and what will give you “The Master Key to Russian”?
There are two types of language skills: active and passive.
Passive skill - this is when you can read a foreign language or understand what you say, but find it difficult to compose a sentence, to give a quick answer, to write anything. If you are easily translated from a foreign language into the native, but find it difficult to do the opposite - you have a passive vocabulary.
Active skill - this is when you can easily express your opinion in target language, to quickly responding to a question or can easily ask it. You have an active vocabulary, if you can easily translate from native language into a foreign language.
Respectively and the training methods can also be active and passive.
When you exercise, making the translation from a foreign language into native language - it is a passive method of language learning. When you learn, translating from the native to the foreign - it is an active learning method. When you just listen to a foreign language - this is a passive method, but when you listen and repeat it out loud for yourself - it's active. But, when you speak in a foreign language, and do it by simply repeating after speaker - this is a passive method. And if you speak, and in doing so, form a sentence by yourself it is active method. When you read the text - it is a passive method, but when you type it by ten finger method - active. And so on.
Developing a passive skill easier, but it is very poorly develops active one. Developing an active skill more difficult, but the passive ones develops at the same time and much faster and deeper.
Thus, seek the active side at any skill and learning methods. But, I hope you noticed that the basis of all of the active skills is passive ones. And at the heart of any passive skill is an imitation. Therefore, we start training with passive methods, and continue our training and improve ourselves with active skills. In other words, the knowledge and abilities are acquired by passive methods of training, but the skills - only by active one.
Our courses ensure you active use of the Russian language during the training. The active use means an independent and rapid formation of questions and answers, which are examples of sentences with different structure.К списку
08 How to get active skills?
So, once again, our goal is to help you transform KNOWLEDGE and ABILITIES into real communication SKILLS.
How do you do that? You can receive any Skills by targeted training only.
The well-known Russian teacher Elena Averina, to develop skills in the target language is necessary that the model of the target language and the system of speech mechanisms have originated in the mind. And the brain creates this model, this system by itself. It is our innate ability. You did have mastered the native language without textbooks and dictionaries.
To do this, the brain need as much of the initial information so that it can detect all the patterns in the language.
Thus, my task is to help you to provide an avalanche of information passing through your brain. The brain by itself identify existing patterns in the language, and compile them in rules of the acts speech the same way as before did it with your mother tongue.
I give your brain a lot of specially prepared material, and The Master Key method does its thing. Suddenly, you find that you easily understand fluent speech, and suddenly realize that what you speak, you speak the Russian language. It's an amazing feeling - open the new skills in yourself. And it is real.
Actual I have prepared just such a material. For this I have used an imitation. I have used the best representative samples of Russian language, which are incorporated in proverbs and sayings of our people and as well as in quotations of our great countrymen.
Then for intermediate levels I have used to the mini stories of life, narrated by my compatriots, using it like examples of real everyday speech. And as a model in pronunciation and intonation, I have used the native speakers – mysef and my wife.
So, your success is guaranteed by easy and natural way.К списку
09 Some theory of the method “The Master Key to Russian”
Pronunciation, words and sentence structure - is what distinguishes one language from another.
Pronunciation Practice - is the basis of understanding of the language by ear. The more you speak the better you understand foreign speech by ear.
Pronunciation of words and pronunciation of the sentences consisting of the same words - it's not the same thing. Even a single sound may be a sentence. Basis of language is a clause. I mean a simple sentence.
The structure of the sentence - it is a special for any language way to use the words. So, the sentence includes all of the features of a language: the pronunciation and intonation, the words and grammar rules.
Thus, by parsing the structure of the sentence we simultaneously study the pronunciation and intonation, the words and grammar rules. Therefore, my course is built on parsing of the structure of the sentence.
The key to the pronunciation and to the sentence structure is The Master Key to the features of any language.
All this comes only with practice. The practice may be based on passive and active learning methods. Active methods are much faster to automate communication skills. Moreover, developing a one skill in the active mode, the others are developed in parallel.
So any teacher has to offer you the active methods of language learning. Actual practice or in other words, the active use of the language - that's what you need for effective training.
To learn how to communicate, you need to communicate a lot. It is so natural. To communicate a lot, you need to ask a lot of questions by yourself and personally give a lot of answers. Do you agree?
But you can say that now there are so many opportunities for communication. There are online forums, TV, YouTube etc. Why create a special course?К списку
10 So, Why create a special course?
Because communication should be educational, it should be training. Online forums, TV, and YouTube - are places where people use and improve their skills, but do not receive them.
To obtain a master key you need a special practice. A communication must be specially prepared.
There are two important points.
1. The first is an educational communication must disclose the structure of sentences.
2. The second point is repeatability. This means the use of a limited number of words and grammatical constructions in a single sentence or theme until their complete assimilation.К списку
1. The first is a lot of talking. You must correctly repeat aloud what you hear in the lesson.
2. Second - is mastering the language grammar by parsing the structure of different sentences in practice, by experience, for example, how does the teacher that is speaker in the lesson.
In my lessons I provide you these opportunities in the form of natural communication with you. This is a natural way.
Our goal is not a lot of words or extensive knowledge of grammar. The purpose of the method is an automation of conversation skills. We give automatic stable communication skills.
After my courses you will be able to fill up your Russian vocabulary in any areas of knowledge you need to naturally, as a mother tongue.К списку
1. Repeatability. To learn any language need to constantly practice it, listening to the media and talking in this language. But listening to TV, radio, podcasts, you constantly encounter new words, phrases and grammatical constructions that are repeated not often enough so that you would master them automatic.
Master Key uses repetition. It is the teacher who is always with you. If you have entered new word in the lesson, be sure to ask to it a question, the student used it in the response. Parse the use of this word.
2. A limited amount of words in the lesson. Master Key uses a limited amount of words that are easy and effortless to remember, because it enclosed in a beautiful expression that you want to remember and use, even in native language, for example, to decorate speech. As well, you can speak Russian from first lesson, understand all the questions and immediately respond to them. This allows mastering difficult passages of Russian naturally and effortless.
Master Key take care you from the disorder. It let you eat cake of knowledge little by little, with pleasure.
3. Activity. Repetition is not enough. Even if you will loop the audio lesson and will listen to it all day, it will be a passive method of learning a language, which is much slower than the active. Master Key forcing you to use the Russian language, to apply actively your knowledge within micro theme and accelerates sustainable skills acquisition, without any effort, just by the natural approach.
Master Key uses all the scientific achievements on the work of brain.
4. The simplicity and intuitiveness. New knowledge should come in the form of discovery. You will discover a new knowledge by yourself: with our help, for our tip, but by yourself. All knowledge must come in the form of personal experience. Then it becomes your own and is easily converted into stable and automatic skills on a lifetime. I, as a teacher, should have led you to it, to show you the way. I have to help you find patterns in the use of words, but to find these patterns and draw conclusions you must yourself.К списку
13 How to begin mastering a foreign language?
The first steps in language studying are the most difficult. The first phrases are the hardest. The longer we train, the easier new phrases to learn. Why? Because, in the beginning a foreign language is absolutely another, it is unusual for hearing and, the main thing, for organs of speech. Then, it becomes more native, and becomes as a native language extension.
Therefore, to begin mastering any language it is necessary to get used to it at first. At first, it is necessary to become related with it, for then quickly and easily to master it. This is a natural way. To act otherwise, I consider just as violence over your nature, and not effective expenditure of effort.
Now let's find out what this is means to get used to the language.
The first thing that comes to mind it's a lot to listen to foreign speech and you get used to it. We think so because we get acquainted with foreign language for the first time through hearing.
Once, when I was the teenager in Soviet Union, we have got access to foreign TV channels. And these channels were not translated and showed in original language: Polish, Turkish, and English. Everything was new for me and especially advertising. There are many of the same recurring plots. It was very unusual for us. Once, I had nothing to do and just watched advertising any kitchen knife in a TV shop.
Advertising was in English which I did not know at all because studied French in school. At first, I think the first hour, the speech of the announcer was like a solid set of sounds. I could not hear any single word. But two hours later, I have suddenly realized that I distinguish the individual words in this stream of disconnected sounds, and from the fact that the text in such advertising is constantly repeated, to the end of the third hour, I was able to recognize familiar words, though I did not know their meaning. Then, for me it was a revelation.
So, when we hear any foreign language for the first time, we hear something not clear. Then, we begin to single out separate phrases, then words. Thus, a lot of listening to a foreign language, you can get used to this foreign language. But this is a passive method. As you remember, such methods are long and tiresome, though easier.
What do you think; why in many languages the means of our communication is called not The Ear, but namely The Language?
What do you think; why in many languages the means of our communication is called not The Ear, but namely The Language?
Perhaps because The Language it is rather what we say, instead of what we hear.
Every language differs from others ones by its set of sounds and their combination in sentences. To pronounce these sounds and their combinations you are to use organs of speech in a special way. And each people say their native sounds and their combinations by the most simple and effective way. This makes us different.
Thus, not only spoken sounds and their combinations are native for us, but also the features of the movement of the speech organs. These movements are called - an articulation. It can be external and internal.
Several scientific facts.
“When we listen to the interlocutor, our organs of speech replicate everything that we hear at level of micro movements which we do not notice at all”.
“When the healthy person by any cause have the vocal apparatus is broken his understanding of the speech by ear is broken also. The separate phonemes and the whole words are stored in our brain as a kind of their "motor" and "sound" copies, but the motor images of phonemes are more important for us then sound ones”. So,
The Articulation is the way to the Understanding
When we reflect, read silently, or very attentively listen to someone - we speak inside ourselves and we hear an inner voice. It turns out that we speak, but no sound, but we hear it and we perceive it. In this case, we "hear" and we perceive micro movements of speech organs. This is called the internal articulation.
Also, it means that although there are a few unique sounds in some languages, even not so much the separate sounds are unusual and complex for us, as their combinations and sequence in sentences. Accordingly, and the method of their pronunciation and articulation is unusual for us.К списку
14 Getting used to the language
In 80s, my country became more and more open to the world, and at some point I decided it would be good to learn English. We did not yet have of methodical audio materials in our city; therefore my first lessons were only by means of books. But in due course the multimedia computers and foreign interactive multimedia courses of foreign languages began to appear on CD. The one such, with the possibility to control the pronunciation, I have hired. Inspired by innovation, I spoke the whole evening into a microphone, achieving perfection in the pronunciation in the English words and expressions. Discovery happens a bit later when I heard the interview in English on the TV. My understanding has increased considerably. This one evening sessions with a microphone cost many evenings with the book.
So, a getting used to the language is, therefore, to train your ear to the new sound combinations - to the language sounds system, and your organs of speech - to the new movements - the articulation of a sequence of sounds. Using one only listening you can never fully recognize foreign speech by ear. This process will be much more efficient and faster, if we get used to the language with not only listening, but also pronouncing, i.e. repeating out loud that we hear.
Now it is clear why the correct pronunciation is so important. After all the articulation is a method of a pronunciation of sounds. Imitating the correct pronunciation, we gradually come to the most effective method of articulation, which accelerates and facilitates mastering of language. If you can correctly pronounce a word, your distinction and understanding of this word in fluent speech increases repeatedly. The pronunciation is better, the faster, easier, better and more we understand fluent speech. The pronunciation is better, the above our progress in mastering language.
Important conclusion: training the Pronunciation, we facilitate Understanding and accelerate Training.
The pronunciation is better, the understanding is better.
From here - paradox: our correct pronunciation is in a greater degree necessary for we would understand the interlocutor instead of that the interlocutor understood us better.К списку
15 SENTENCES.The study of grammatical constructions in practice.
Why the sentence?
Language - is not so much the words as a way to use them. For example, I have heard that in English 70% of the French words. But are these languages look like? Do the French-speaking and English-speaking people understand each other?
Pronunciation, word, sentence structure and a special intonation - is what distinguishes one language from another. Sentence contains all of these components, united in sense. Consequently, the clause is a structural unit of the language, so it is appropriate to begin to learn the language by clauses, on its structural units. The structure of sentences, words of sentences and pronunciation and intonation of sentences need to learn simultaneously and in a relationship, as a whole.
It is foolish to learn pronunciation of sounds separately, outside speech bundle in a sentence, as well the meaning of the words out of context of sentence. This material you may get used to, but you should not build a mastering language based on these exercises.
The structure of the sentence - it is parlance; it is a way of constructing of sentence, the way to use words. This is what the most difficult to learn in a new language, because it is related to the way of thinking, which is different from native. Understand how foreigners express their thoughts, and you can easily start talking their language.
Precisely the study and development of sample of sentences teaches the ability to ask questions and give answers, teaches self-expression. Getting used to a new special way to parlance makes a new language more native, teaches you to stereotypes of thinking of native speakers and their way of expressing their thoughts.
The purpose of our courses is to teach you to use the words of Russian language automatically, without thinking. I will give you the opportunity to discover a clear structure of Russian and the skills to use it. I will show you the way to the art of speech, language arts, art of building of sentences, art thinking and self-expression in Russian.К списку
16 Your vocabulary and phrasebook
Imagine that language is a building, and the words are bricks. Knowledge of large numbers of words-bricks not enough; you should be able to properly put them together, i.e. you should be able to build. When we see a set of letters in a word, we can easily find it means in the dictionary. But when we see a set of familiar words of sentence, is still a question - whether you can understand what it says.
So, I do not aim to give you a big vocabulary. Everybody of you has yours goals in learning the Russian. For someone the medicine is important, for someone - technique, for someone - business. You do not need to learn all the words in Russian. It is impossible to learn all the words. My goal is to help you master the specifics of using words, the specific features Russian language.
After my courses, you will feel in Russian language like a fish in water, and you will be able easily fill up your Russian vocabulary in the direction in which you want.
This is like the schoolchildren who come to the university. They all have about the same vocabulary of native language that allows them to communicate on a common theme. At university they start to learn a lot of different things, a lot of new words and terms, even the specific manner of expression of thoughts. But none of them did not take it as a learning another language, because the sentence and the language structure are of their native language.
There is another example. Children, when they go to the store for the first time or alternatively in another new place without adults also asked: "Mom, I'm there to say? What should I there to speak?” His mother explains. She may even describe the entire dialogue: you say it, you are answered it, and then you say that. That's it. And they are all at once stored. They do not teach this dialogue week. Do you understand? They have mastered the essence of native language and new words are easily remembered by them.
Similarly, you will be enough to read one time phrase book on any desired topic, and you will know how to communicate in a given situation.
But if the person will immediately start to learn the language phrasebooks, he will spend a lot of time and effort to memorize a set of phrases, he will be confused by them, and the worst thing he can not go beyond the phrases of the dialogue. He will be like a robot. Word to the side and he can not figure out what they mean.
But exactly so way is taught in classes of foreign languages! On most language courses practiced acting out situations of sentence. This is certainly useful, but everything has its time and place. As you know, it is impossible to learn a language at once on the text or dialogue, because there is already being used that, which have been not yet understood, not mastered by students.
It's like trying to swallow the whole pie at once. It is just violence over a student and his brain. How many times you need to play only one scene, for example, buying at the store, to make it work automatically? And it is not alone ones.
There are too many sentences in the dialogue for one session. They do not have time to be processed and deposited in the brain all of this. With the accumulation of new material for storing, oldest one is forgotten. Then comes the fatigue and the new material absorb worse and worse.
A student is not involved in the dialogue active manner. He is passive. A need to form a sentence by student is not created, as all sentences have already been recorded in the dialogue. He is not parsed and not trains a sentence structure, which means that he does not get easy and the natural orientation among the words in the sentence.
Knowing the phrase - is not knowledge of the language and do not language skills. This is a knowledge a few colloquial expressions that students will probably not be able to use as a template to build other sentences. Such student will be able to say what he wants, but he just can not understand what they say to him, even if he had seen this phrase in the phrase book.
Student receives a level that would provide him with a simple survival in a foreign language environment, and which quite possible to replace gestures. This is not the most productive method of language learning.
Phrasebook is a helper in a certain situation for people who already know the language, but do not know of a suitable and accepted in other country manners of communication and vocabulary for each specific situation.
Do you see what I give you? Not only give, but also help develop. These are automatic language skills.
I give you the Master Key to Russian language. I reveal you the secret of Russian language, to give the opportunity to see its logic and automate this knowledge in sustainable skills. It is very difficult to make by the example of text or dialogue.
Intonation, pronunciation, words and their order should be learned interconnected as one. This requires a minimal structural semantic unit of language. And this unit is a simple sentence, for it is it includes all the characteristic features of the language: pronunciation, intonation, and a special way to use words.К списку
17 Master Key
So, learning the language quickly, easily and reliably can be by mastering sentences of this language. On a small vocabulary you get a deep understanding of the ways of expression, forming affirmative, interrogative and negative sentences. By small doses, from simple to complex, reliable, stable, correct, once and for a lifetime, you will comprehend Russian language with “The Master Key to Russian”.
In practice, the structure of the sentence can be expanded, understand and assimilate only asking questions to the parts of the clause. In this simple method, by the natural empirical way the relationship between its parts is revealed. On a lot of examples, we have to open you rules of constructing sentence in Russian language.
Your brain yourself reveals them. This ability of our brain to analyze and synthesize, to identify patterns, which is stable recurring phenomena, it is his innate ability. Knowledge gained in this way, as a result of experience, remains forever.
Pronunciation and intonation of sentence master by imitation, so you need a lot of listening and a lot of talking. This training happens naturally during disclosure structure of the sentence, i.e. while posing questions to the words of sentence and the answers to them.
New words with their antonyms and synonyms are stored reliably on their own and interconnected, as it also repeatedly used during the parsing structure of the sentence. At the same time the lesson based on the sentence contains new words as much as the brain can absorb at one time, not overworked.
Thus, we achieve all the goals with a single method. That's the key, Master Key.
Of course, the entire course of language learning can not be built only on the sentences.
At second, intermediate level, we will use the mini stories of the lives of my countrymen, told by themselves. Funny situations, sad accident, philosophical parable, everything that resonates within us, makes us think, makes me want to give my opinion on what I heard, is an excellent material for lessons.
However, I do not give up entirely of sentences because quotes of famous people are very interesting and quite difficult for a foreigner. This makes it useful for training as samples studied language.
So, I rotate in the second stage of my course mini stories of simple Internet users and quote our great countrymen. This expands your knowledge not only Russian language but our culture, history and traditions.
In the third, more advanced stage, we move on to bigger stories. We will learn to understand and talk long monologues. This is a more complex skill than simple communication, because you need on the fly to process a lot of information without interruption.
We will consider them later.К списку
18 Types and sources of sentences
We found that as the best initial methodological materials is the sentence. Naturally, that sentences that I use for Russian language teaching are a model of Russian language, a typical example of thought and expression of its speakers.
Types of sentences are sayings (proverbs), quotes, simple sentence (part of stories).
What sentences is an example of the language? Proverbs and quotes. It is they kept the language of the people.
Also, such a model is the example of sentences from textbooks, manuals and tutorials in Russian. But they are not always suitable as training material for the development of automatic skills.
Proverbs as a kind of simple sentences. Proverbs are well suited to the first level of training.
Peculiarities proverbs. The idea expressed in proverbs is an interesting topic for discussion, it is cause they are easy to remember. They contain the wisdom of the people, his character, features thinking.
Proverbs is characterized by way of expressing thoughts, which is typical for native speakers - concisely and clearly, like in everyday speech. Only the genuine folk simple words that are the basis for the formation of new words are used in proverbs.
Advantages of proverbs. Proverb is usually simple sentences. Together with the simplicity of vocabulary, proverbs contain all the characteristic features of the language, the specific speech, the specific to each language of beauty, the sparkle - what sets any language on the other, makes it different, and therefore causes the most difficulty in the study.
In other words, for all its simplicity, proverbs - is the focus of difficulties for a foreigner, but when he does understand it, he will master target language for real.
Quote, as a kind of complex sentences. In addition to proverbs, we can find wonderful examples of any language in quotes our great countrymen. Typically, citations are more complex sentences, but there are also simple enough that we can use at lower levels along with proverbs.
Peculiarities citations. Quotes are the best samples of our language which contain a great set lexical. Quotes - is a typical example of speech in educated circles. It is an example of their manners to express thoughts, i.e. the educated native speakers talk in this way.
A quote can be choosing for any level of difficulty and on any subject. The idea expressed in the quote - it is usually an interesting topic to discuss and develop a lesson.
Quotes are interesting and are worth being memorized. The use of quotations adorns speech, giving it the weight, so the educated people generally tend to remember them. It is prestigious to know it. These features motivate memorizing citations, and therefore the examples of grammatical constructions that are used in them.
I used the quote in the first and second levels.К списку
19 The intermediate and advanced levels. The mini stories from real life.
At higher levels, we will use the mini stories consisting of 3-4 sentences. The number of sentences can be gradually increased. The intermediate level includes 100 lessons; the first twenty - thirty lessons are quite small and consists 3-4 sentences. Last 10 stories are large enough. By this time, you will have sufficient understanding of our speech by ear and much easier to understand the new material.
For intermediate level I choose mini stories which are …:
1. …from real life. Not adapted. Phrases should not be simplified by you in the story. But it must be done in the lessons, when parsing sentences that make up the story.
2. … short and laconic - short simple sentences can easily be repeated after reading, so they are stored on their own.
3. ...easy to remember – I look for nonsense stories, incredible stories, unusual practices which participants faced in the history of life.
It is easy to remember the stories that are …:
3.1. …cause empathy and put in place the participant of events: the domestic stories, stories about health.
3.2. …pose the problem, stimulating the search for its solutions and seeking a way out of a difficult situation. These are the stories that force to reflect about the problem of choice. They are easy to engage students in the subject, take possession of his attention.
3.3. …teach . The story can give an emotional experience on someone else's example. These are the story about a family, marriage, relatives, and friends.
3.4. … are funs – the tall tales, delirium, nonsense. These are the stories related to children, pets, and theater. Well-remembered stories, which describe the curious cases of life, such as those associated with the clash of traditions and cultures, travel.
3.5. … fill the thirst of internal growth. The reflections on the moral and ethical issues are clear to all, they are easy to develop. This is a story about the heroism and feats, a mother's love, etc.
So, I used a variety of topics. I tried to go beyond the standard themes of phrasebooks: shops, hotels, restaurants, etc. It's all already there. I‘ve divided intermediate course for 10 sublevels. Each sublevel contains 10 lessons.
When preparing the example of advanced course, I use big stories that reflect our lives. These stories may be interesting for most people.
But in this level you have an opportunity to order course on your own theme to study specific Russian in your professional occupation.
Parable. This is not real-life stories, but they are all based on the great experience of nations. I think this is a good choice for advanced lessons.К списку
Is it possible to acquire a Master Key by yourself? Can you on your own or with the help of some courses provide yourself with such training conditions (disclosing the structure of sentences and repeatability)?
Let's look at a few versions available communication that can be used by you, and find out whether you are meet our principles.
Watching TV channels, radio, YouTube and the like in the target language. We have already discussed this. The main drawbacks - is passivity and a steady stream of new unfamiliar information. This is not training, but torment.
The constant introduction of new words and grammatical constructions block the assimilation of old ones. This deprives the brain to discover patterns in a foreign language, because it does not understand what they mean. Principle "from simple to complex" - is universal and must be respected at all times.
So, just listening to a lot of foreign language on the radio or TV or YouTube certainly useful to adapt to a new language, but it is not what you need for effective learning.
Education in the environment of the target language (the immersion method). This is better, because it stimulates actively apply knowledge. But again, there is no repetition of the material. There are too many of the new and unknown. It is also the less accessible for most, the big time and cost associated with the need to specifically go to the country of the target language.
Immersion learning in the training group. The disadvantage of this method is that you hear the wrong speech of your partners more often than correct speech of your teacher. The effectiveness of training depends on the method used by the teacher, and the frequency of training. Maybe somewhere there are good courses.
Supervised learning with the native speaker? This is a good method, if a teacher is good. But usually, it's very expensive. As well, these meetings are usually less than that required for the practice of the language.
So, then where do you get this active practice, which would meet all our requirements? How to get such methodical material?К списку
21 The Easy and Efficiency
So, then where do you get this active practice, which would meet all our requirements? How to get such methodical material?
The best way is to combine all the best. Best of all, when the teacher is always with you and you can communicate in the lesson until you learn the material naturally and easy.
The easy and efficiency are the main things that I pursued in creating these courses.
The EASY includes:
1. easy of studying,
2. autonomy from the books and a desktop computer,
3. intuitiveness in getting new material,
4. accessibility of the lessons at any place and in any spare time.
That's what I wanted to:
You should not need anything at most of the time working with the course: either in a grammar reference, nor in the dictionary or in the exercise or in the desktop computer. All you needed - is an MP3 player with headphones.
But even in this case, you should not be forced to always use the button pause or rewind.
The lesson must engage only yours ears, your tongue and part of your attention. This is usually all that is needed for communication. I hope you agree with me.
These goals correspond to the audio lessons with the text of transcription and the vocabulary for each lesson. You are to use a transcription and vocabulary for review only (not to remember) new material, and most of the time you will work with audio recording.
EFFICIENCY. Efficiency - is the maximum result with the minimum expenses of energy and time. In addition to the simplicity the lessons are to be effective. And even better - highly effective. This condition requires a special method of preparation and presentation of teaching material and special methods developments skills of conversation. It is necessary the know-how.
So, lessons on the method of “The Master Key to Russian” - is a teacher who is always with you. We will always be near to help you fix the wrong answer, and suggest the correct one. You will be able to learn in anytime you want, at your discretion, in accordance with your rhythms.К списку
22 What are the benefits you get from using “The Master Key to Russian”, in addition to the highest performance?
1.Simplicity and Ease.
1.1 No words and rules to memorize. Basis of the lessons is the sentence.
1.2 All levels focuses on the basic structural unit of the language - the sentence, not on dry grammar rules or examples of dialogues in the phrase book.
1.3 The Master Key to Russian let you begin to communicate freely and easily with the first lesson, as it should be.
2. Effectiveness.
2.1 “The Master Key to Russian” give fully useable methodically well thought Russian language learning system that uses all of its features.
2.2 Levels are distributed in accordance with the types of sentences in Russian.
2.3 “The Master Key to Russian” use active methods of study.
3. Freedom in time and space. “The Master Key to Russian” provides you the freedom in learning. Now the time is the most precious thing, and people are very treasure their time. Freedom means not attachment to: a certain place, the books, stationary technology and methodology.
3.1 The certain place and time of learning. What does mean not attachment to a certain place? The method must imply training where you like, and when you like, without reducing the effectiveness of training. If you need to get to the courses somewhere you are spending time on the way there and back and on organizational aspects. Also, you are dependent on the success of other students learning group. And after all these two hours of time you could spend on learning another subject, interesting movie, loved one, a gym, just to rest after a hard day's work.
3.2 Independence from the books and to use a dictionary. Each lesson is completely autonomous. You not need constantly a separate dictionary or grammar book. You will be able understand all from the context of lesson. All necessary new information you will learn in preparation for the basic lesson. There is vocabulary specifically for each lesson. It used for better understanding the meaning of sentences and questions that you are asked. This lesson dictionary is not intended for memorizing words. It is meant to help with words.
3.3 Technical means and stationary technology. Education, which is possible only at the computer, makes it impossible to effectively use your free time on the road, the breaks, just the time when your body is busy, but the loose head. So I have created an audio course which is most suitable for modern rhythm of life, and under constant time pressure.
When creating such course I`ve guided by the simplest solutions: mobile phones, smartphones, tablets, e. book. I have used the most common text and multimedia formats that are understood across all platforms. At the moment it: PDF - text, mp3 - audio, mp4 - video and audio.
3.4 No attachment to the method. Even if you use a mobile player, but forced to constantly use the pause button, you cannot learn on the road, in the gym and in other similar situations. So, you do not have to use the pause button, loop, and anything of the sort.
If I want you have abilities to hear well all the singularities of sentence I make so that you do it for the first time. To walk, to ride a bike, to drive a car, to play a musical instrument we learn slowly. But learn to recognize the foreign sounds and words we are forced to on real speed in some courses. Is this normal? Understanding of rapid speech will come naturally.
4. Development of intuition and speech. If you do not know the right word to answer, answer in your native language. Once you hear right answer, a new word directly enters your active vocabulary. “The Master Key to Russian” develops speech; you will be faster to choose the right words and thereby improve your speaking skills.
That, which I’ll spare you, or:
1. You not need to memorize the rules.
2. You not need to bone up on the words.
3. You not need to use constantly the dictionary.
4. You not need to use passive methods of study. You will not just listen or even to memorize dialogue from phrase books. You will take part in them. The method will force you to learn the Russian actively.
It is clear that for the development understanding of the language by ear you need to a lot of listening. But how many can you withstand, silently listening to the sentence, the story or dialogue. You did not master it in one hour and even day. After three days of listening, you will be sick of this lesson, but the result will be still not what it could be.
If you use active methods, you spent a half of time and energy, and the result would have been twice as good. “The Master Key to Russian” provides an active approach to your learning.
5. You not need to suffer from boredom. “The Master Key to Russian” avoids tedious exercise. I hope you realize that it is better for you a lot correctly speak. But it is possible to offer a variety of ways. Reading the same subject, the same dialogue or sentence every day several times until they remembered - is boredom.
How long would you stand to learn this way? Okay, you can read a book, every day a new chapter. But it means or do not understand, or constantly refer to the dictionary. It's too laborious, long, and again, boring and ineffective.
It is natural for man to answer questions and ask it his interlocutor and to be thus sure that everything is done properly.
“The Master Key to Russian” uses the short, frequently changing topics with a small amount of new words and grammatical constructions.
The lessons are constructed in the form of communication, and you will have a lot speak, using new patterns and words and without memorizing the dialogue and themes by heart. This is the right way.
6. You not need to do overpayment of fees. 1 hour tutor worth $25. And this after only one session, which student will not be able to repeat to consolidate learned. “The Master Key to Russian” gives you the opportunity to train as much as you want and in the place where it is convenient. And it's less than $ 1 per lesson.
With “Master Key to Russian” you get an advantage in price and results.К списку
23 That, which I’ll spare you
1. You not need to memorize the rules.
2. You not need to bone up on the words.
3. You not need to use constantly the dictionary.
4. You not need to use passive methods of study. You will not just listen or even to memorize dialogue from phrase books. You will take part in them. The method will force you to learn the Russian actively.
It is clear that for the development understanding of the language by ear you need to a lot of listening. But how many can you withstand, silently listening to the sentence, the story or dialogue. You did not master it in one hour and even day. After three days of listening, you will be sick of this lesson, but the result will be still not what it could be.
If you use active methods, you spent a half of time and energy, and the result would have been twice as good. “The Master Key to Russian” provides an active approach to your learning.
5. You not need to suffer from boredom. “The Master Key to Russian” avoids tedious exercise. I hope you realize that it is better for you a lot correctly speak. But it is possible to offer a variety of ways. Reading the same subject, the same dialogue or sentence every day several times until they remembered - is boredom.
How long would you stand to learn this way? Okay, you can read a book, every day a new chapter. But it means or do not understand, or constantly refer to the dictionary. It's too laborious, long, and again, boring and ineffective.
It is natural for man to answer questions and ask it his interlocutor and to be thus sure that everything is done properly.
“The Master Key to Russian” uses the short, frequently changing topics with a small amount of new words and grammatical constructions.
The lessons are constructed in the form of communication, and you will have a lot speak, using new patterns and words and without memorizing the dialogue and themes by heart. This is the right way.
6. You not need to do overpayment of fees. 1 hour tutor worth $25. And this after only one session, which student will not be able to repeat to consolidate learned. “The Master Key to Russian” gives you the opportunity to train as much as you want and in the place where it is convenient. And it's less than $ 1 per lesson.
With “Master Key to Russian” you get an advantage in price and results.К списку